Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Beach-Dog Experience(with a little modification.. hehe)

When I was a little girl, I was a coward girl. I often scared of things such as ghost and spider. One day, I and my family went to my grandma’s house for a holiday. After a 14-hours-trip, finally I reached Solo, my Mother’s hometown. I was very happy that I could meet my Grandma and Grandpa again. We stayed there for one week.
The next day, we decided to take a trip together to a beach near my Grandma’s house. After took a morning bath, I wore my favorite dress, and my Mother put a flowery hat on my head. My Grandma had prepared snack and lunch for us to eat at the beach. I was so excited that I kept on asking to my Dad to leave as soon as possible. Everything’s ready, and we left by my car.
I enjoyed the trip very much. I sang with my Grandma and Grandpa, saw beautiful landscapes of Java, and ate snacks along the road. Nearly reached the beach, I started to see sea and beach scenery. After we parked our car somewhere near the beach, I jumped out from the car, and ran to the beach. I played hide-and-seek with my Grandma. Before we play, she forbade me to hide too far from her. But there was no place to hide near her, so I ran a little bit far from my Grandma. Finding a perfect place to hide, I hid behind a coconut tree inside someplace like a maze, and waited for my Grandma to find me.
When my Grandma didn’t find me in about 5 minutes, I was starting to worry. I looked around, and there was nobody inside the maze. I walked through the maze, trying to find a way out but I couldn’t find any. When I took a left turn, out of the blue, a big black dog was there, barking at me and chasing me. Turning white with terror, I screamed and ran as fast as I could. I cried and yelled, but none seemed to hear me. Fortunately, I finally found a way out of the maze. But, what a clumsy girl I was, I stepped on my dress, and fell to the ground. I looked back, and found the scaring black dog still ran towards me and got closer and closer. I screamed as loud as I can, and then, someone threw a stone towards the dog. What a relief! The yellow streak dog turned back, and ran into the maze.
I looked at the one who helped me, and found a little boy with a dirty face, wearing crumpled and sandy clothes. He helped me to stand up, and asked me if I was okay in Javanese language. I didn’t answer him, because my left leg was in pain, and I was sad that my favorite dress torn. When I looked at the boy again, he was making a funny face to me. In the pink, I stopped crying and laughed at him. Before I have the time to thank him, my Father and Mother called me and the boy suddenly left me. My Parents hugged me and said that everyone was looking for me, but they couldn’t find me anywhere.
On the way home, I told my story to my family. My Mother scolded me, and my Grandma said that I shouldn’t play that far from her. I hated the black dog very much because it made my favorite dress torn. Lesson I learned, never belittle Grandma’s advice, and if you find a dog barking at you, don’t run or it’ll chase you. Just throw a stone at them, a big one, and it’ll leave you. Until now, I never met the boy again and still hate and scared of dogs.

~the end~

*ehm... actually, this is my english narrative essay task hahaha

Saturday, June 13, 2009

sunday morning's cartoon

hmm, gini lho. sebenrnya gue lagi pengen nulis, tapi ngga tau mau nilis apaan. eh, bukan berarti gue nnulis untuk menghindari belajar buat besok lho! cuma pengen nulis aja.. hehehe

barusan gue nonton kartun 'the emperor's new groove' di TV. kartunnya lumayan bagus sih, walaupun gue masih lebih suka kung fu panda. tapi ada tokoh yang menarik deh di film itu. namanya siapa ya? itu lho pelayannya si tokoh villain, Yzma. kalo ga salah namanya Kronk deh. kenapa menarik? soalnya dia polos bangeeet yaa, walaupun dimarahin terus asma si Yzma, tapi dia tetep aja nggak terpengaruh, tetep senyum-senyum. ahaha seneng banget kayanya. walaupun dia bodoh, dia ga gampang terpengaruh dan tetep baik.. terus dia bisa ngomong sama tupai gitu.. hhi lucu. kalo dibandingin sama si Yzma ya, kayanya tuh dia ga nikmatin hidupnya banget deh. pokonya maunya nguasain tahtanya si Kuzko terus. haa kasiaan... kalo dipikir lagi kenapa ya si Yzma pengen ngambil tahtanya Kuzko? mungkin dulu ayahnya Yzma dan Kuzko rebutan tahta juga kali ya.. aduh ngapain deh dipikirin..

tapi yang bahagia ngga cuma Kronk doang sih, Kuzko juga seneng banget. gimana ga seneng, emperor gituu.. tapi sikapnya jelek banget jadi dia berubah jadi llama deh.. haha untung akhirnya dia jadi baik juga berkat Pacha yang istrinya cantik.. well, ga ada hubungannya sama istrinya sih..

tapi tetep aja, yang selalu bahagia sepanjang waktu ya si Kronk itu. kenapa ya? mungkin karena dia ga banyak mikir kali ya.. ga dipikirin kalo dimarahin sama Yzma atau apapun yang bisa bikin ga seneng. si Kuzko juga ga banyak mikir waktu dia di istana, makanya dia happy. dia ga mikirin rakyatnya! huu dasar Kuzko payah.

hmm... lagian juga kalo ga kebanyakan mikir berarti ga cepet tua! awet muda! haha makanya jangan kebanyakan mikir deeh...

a day before sumatif

haaah. besok udah sumatif aja. kok ga ada niat buat belajar ya? ahaha
kayaknya setiap hari minggu gue, dari sebulan yang lalu ya, gue mesti belajar buat sesuatu! zzz
yah, tapi udah lumayan sih, udah banyak yang berlalu. test OSP, promotion test, etc etc. tinggal sumatif nih terakhir, belajar ga yaa? haha.. besok fisika lagi, hadehhh

hmm.. bingung deh gue mau nulis apa. kayaknya mode nulis gue lagi off deh haha. tau kan , nulis mode:off. haha tuh kan ga jelas banget zz